Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Where there's a will, there's a way

Part of comprehensive planning includes writing a will as soon as you get married or as soon as you know you’re going to be having a baby, whichever event comes first. In your will, agree on what will happen to your children if one or both of you pass away before your youngest child is old enough to take care of himself or herself. Thomas and Cynthia lived 2,000 miles from each other after the divorce. Thankfully, they agreed on the family members who would care for their children if they both passed away prematurely. They wisely selected members of Cynthia’s family, which was a good plan because they lived in the same area, Chicago, where the children spent most of their time, whereas Thomas and his family were back in Oregon. Can you imagine what a disruption those kids would have experienced if, on top of losing both their parents suddenly, they also had to pack up and move to a totally new place? Two cataclysmic disruptions to their routine and stability when they could ill afford either one.

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