Monday, November 24, 2008

Teen Bill of Rights, #181-190

181. My parents will not compete with each other over issues of income and upward mobility.
182. My parents will never be so consumed with money that they forget the people their cash is supposed to benefit.
183. My parents will understand that their marriage will teach me more about what it means to be a husband or a wife than I’ll learn anywhere else.
184. My parents will appreciate that divorce is a blow to any family, so they will be careful getting into a marriage and even more careful getting out.
185. I will never have to pay the price for my parents’ stupidity, and they will not have to put up with mine, either.
186. My parents will understand that they are not the reigning king and queen of the universe.
187. My parents will respect my opinions as long as I express them appropriately.
188. My parents will not suppress my right to express myself and my individuality, with reasonable limits.
189. I deserve a voice in important family decisions, even though I don’t get a vote or a veto.
190. My parents will not spoil me.

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