Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Teen Bill of Rights, #291-300

291. My parents will provide high-quality medical care for our family.
292. My parents will not abuse any substance, whether in my presence or not.
293. My parents will offer to pay for me to see a counselor who will keep my conversations confidential so that I have a safe place to talk.
294. My parents will not ask me to lie for them or to conceal the truth.
295. My parents will not set out to make me paranoid and afraid of the world.
296. My parents will let me speak to adults I trust without prying into my business.
297. My parents will attend counseling to deal with problems that they cannot handle on their own.
298. My parents will understand that counseling is not meant to convince me to agree with them.
299. My parents will be able to make their own decisions without depending on me or a boatload of other people.
300. My parents will be at least as smart, mature, wise, and possessed of good judgment as they expect me to be.

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