Monday, November 24, 2008

Teen Bill of Rights, #11-20

11. I will be able to reach at least one of my parents, and preferably both of them, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
12. Both of my parents, unless they have a medical justification otherwise, will have a valid driver’s license in good standing.
13. My parents will drive safely with or without kids in their cars.
14. My parents will balance their duties at home with their responsibilities at work, always aware of the ways they perform at work can impact me and the rest of the family.
15. If my mom and dad have problems in their marriage, they will wait at least 30 days before they separate. During that time, they will attend at least four counseling sessions with a licensed therapist.
16. My parents will share stories with me about how they met, as well as the good qualities that led them to one another.
17. My parents will recall the happiness of their wedding day with me and my siblings so that I respect the commitment that a marriage involves.
18. My parents will model a steady upward progression in their income and job opportunities, showing me the value of hard work.
19. My parents will emphasize to me and my siblings that both of them have skills and will not try to one-up the other.
20. My parents will recognize that they each contribute to their marriage or their children in different ways, so it is impossible and unnecessary to value one parent’s contribution over what the other parent brings to the family.

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