Monday, November 24, 2008

Marriage plans

As a mediator, I can’t bear to watch another marriage go down in flames because no one bothered to prevent the disaster. I admit that I spend a fair amount of my time being the ambulance down in the valley. But around half of my work hours are consumed with building the fence for people who care enough about their kids to try and make their marriage work. It is never too late to change. It is never too late to reconcile. It is never too late to regain—or gain for the first time—a happy family. If you’re teetering on the edge of the cliff, it is not too late to step back. If you’ve slipped and tumbled partway down, it is not too late to keep from falling farther.

Anyone who has a marriage needs a marriage plan. Maybe you are dating or engaged, not yet married, so yours can truly be a pre-nup. Perhaps you’re married and have already made some mistakes you wish to fix, so, for you, it’ll just be a “nup.” Either way, use your marriage plan to put your kids—or your potential kids—first. Make tomorrow better than yesterday.

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