Monday, November 24, 2008

Teen Bill of Rights, #61-70

61. My parents will use frequent-flyer miles for the benefit of the family at least as often as they spend the rewards on themselves.
62. My parents will not spend our family into bankruptcy by using their job bonus money before they actually receive it; they will put that money into savings, retirement, or a college fund.
63. My parents will pay off their credit cards each month using their regular paycheck and will not dip into savings to buy things with their credit cards unless they have previously saved for the items.
64. My parents will be careful about borrowing money from relatives.
65. My parents will not spend, give, or donate large sums of money without telling the other parent.
66. My parents will not depend on Social Security to fund their retirement.
67. My parents will not fund our family’s lifestyle by depending on wealthier family members or predicting that they will receive an inheritance from people who are not dead yet.
68. My parents will neither spoil me nor deprive me.
69. My parents will decide our family’s standard of living based on what they can reasonably afford, not based on what they experienced as children.
70. Both of my parents will be equally active in my life; I will not have a “primary” parent.

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