Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Teen Bill of Rights, #271-280

271. My parents will have a family-centered approach to spending their money.
272. My parents will agree on a reasonable standard of living that our family should enjoy.
273. My parents will have reasonably similar attitudes about money so that they are not constantly fighting about finances.
274. Each of my parents will sacrifice proportionately for the family so that one person is not living the high life while the other is eating Top Ramen.
275. My parents will treat their marriage as the equal partnership that it is.
276. My parents will send me consistent messages about money.
277. My parents will neither overindulge nor deprive their children.
278. My parents will give me the skills to get what I need in the world.
279. My parents will agree on major and minor spending so that there are fewer arguments about money.
280. My parents will make deliberate, not accidental, decisions about money.

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