Monday, November 24, 2008

Teen Bill of Rights, #51-60

51. My parents will not own a vehicle that requires expensive repairs that take away from our safety or the things our family needs to buy with that same money.
52. My parents will combine for the family’s benefit any money they receive from a relative or friend through a will.
53. My parents will share the money they have; neither one of them will have to be limited to an allowance from the parent who earns the money.
54. Even if it means we have to spend less on some of the things our family enjoys, my parents will save at least 15% of their income for retirement.
55. My parents will have an emergency fund with the amount of money for our family to live normally for one year.
56. My parents will buy a home, rather than rent, as soon as they can afford to do so.
57. My parents will not borrow money against the value of our family home except in an emergency.
58. My parents will understand that if they own a business together, it belongs to both of them, regardless of who works there more often.
59. My parents will not purchase a club membership unless all our family’s bills are paid and they have observed the other rules in the Teenagers’ Bill of Rights.
60. If my parents are members of a club or timeshare that does not include the whole family, they will not use that membership on a regular basis to avoid spending time with the family.

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