Thursday, September 25, 2008

Does infidelity impact child support and spousal support?

Generally not. Putting up with an unfaithful spouse isn’t a paid position. In a no-fault state, we don’t punish people for having an affair. However, if the infidelity was so traumatic that it caused the other parent not to be able to work, or the parent or the children had to receive therapy to deal with it, it could have financial implications because it caused damage that cost money to repair. In practical terms, most of my clients who have had affairs are so apologetic and ashamed that they make no issue of finances.

1 comment:

kylencara said...

But what if the person that was cheating was the un-employed spouse? And the employed spouse filed for divorce on grounds of infidelity with video proof. Would spousal support still need to be paid in the state of Oregon?