Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What if one parent wants to move into a brand-new house and the other parent can only afford something smaller?

The state's philosophy, as well as an approach that passes the common-sense test, is that both parents should have a stable and reasonably self-sufficient lifestyle after the divorce. Does that mean necessarily an equal lifestyle? No, it does not. Once you divide your assets fairly (which usually means equally, depending on the length of the marriage and other factors) and establish a fair spousal support and child support schedule, it doesn't matter who does what with that person's own money.

With that said, I still think it's important for both parents to live reasonably equally in the immediate aftermath of the divorce, so that the kids don't notice a disparity and so that they can continue their established lifestyle. If one parent has the resources to create a fabulous home that the kids gravitate toward, it may weaken the credibility of the other parent and place the kids in an awkward position.

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