Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Getting credit after divorce

One of the smartest things you can do immediately, whether you're married, divorced, engaged, or happily single, is to establish credit accounts in your own name. Is this about helping you to have a credit card that you can run up without letting your spouse know about the purchases. No. Am I suggesting that you set yourself up to be able to flee your marriage on a moment's notice? No, not that either. The point of having your own credit is, I think, at least twofold. First, by keeping things separate, you have a better chance of keeping your credit cleaner if your spouse goes off the deep end and starts defaulting on bills. Second, you will be able to apply for credit for larger purchases such as a home mortgage or car loan. The biggest downfall of newly-divorced people is that they didn't consider how hard it would be to purchase a home or car without any of their own credit.

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