Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Divorcing when you have no assets

Keep in mind that although we speak of divorce lawyers as seemingly essential, but I beg to differ, anything a lawyer can do for you, you can also do for yourself. You never HAVE to pay a lawyer to do anything, although in many cases it may seem advisable. If you have no assets or very few (I define that threshold as under $10,000 in net worth), you may save yourself some time by going down to the courthouse and filing your own divorce. You may find that you don't need to use a mediator or a lawyer. If you have nothing you're fighting about and nothing and no one you're trying to protect, you probably don't have much to lose. Why dump $2,000 at a mediator's office or $5,000 or more at a lawyer's office when there's nothing at issue and it's just a matter of paperwork?

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