Tuesday, October 28, 2008

How do you handle the children’s toys that are too big to move from one house to each other routinely?

You can keep big items such as ATVs or the hot tub at one home or the other. The only major risk you run is that you don't want one house to be Club Med while the other is totally boring. Your kids will be tempted--regardless of what you say about how well-adjusted they are--to gravitate toward the home that is the most fun. In this case, we're talking about the fun items that may be placed at one home or the other, but that same rationale extends to the discipline methods, bedtime, diet, and privileges. Deciding where to allocate the toys as a matter of asset division in the divorce is one question; how to allocate them so that they don’t present an unintended problem for the parenting schedule is quite another.

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