Monday, November 24, 2008

Teen Bill of Rights, #171-180

171. My parents will not obsess about money, but they will have appropriate balance so that they do not completely ignore financial issues either.
172. The time and effort that my parents use to make decisions will relate to how complicated or important each decision is.
173. My parents will make an effort not to decide important things while they are angry or stressed out.
174. My parents will have a plan in place in case something unexpected happens to our family unit.
175. My parents will focus on the big picture and what will be right for our family in the long-term, delaying gratification at least as much as they preach to me to stop living in the moment.
176. My parents will not knowingly bring someone with a lot of baggage into my life, and they will not hold me responsible for fixing anyone else’s problems.
177. My parents will fully examine who each other is before they get married, so that they choose to have a family with the best partner they can find.
178. My parents will understand that they will be good parents only if they can be good parents with each other.
179. My parents will carefully consider whether to work inside the home or outside the home, always focused on what is best for the family and able to live without regrets.
180. My parents will spend their money in ways that benefit the family equally.

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