Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a therapeutic technique that uses guided eye movement to accelerate treatment of a wide range of psychological disorders. This technique was developed by Francine Shapiro, Ph.D. in 1987.
EMDR operates under the assumption that everyone has an internal information processing system that is physiologically geared to a state of mental health. When trauma occurs, this system becomes unbalanced. The experience of the trauma becomes locked in the nervous system in a way that does not allow natural information processing to take place.
It is as though the memories retain the intensity of the trauma and are blocked from processing that would allow the intensity to be discharged. The use of EMDR appears to unblock dysfunctionally stored memories and stimulate the information processing system in a way that allows learning to take place. These memories are then processed in a way that releases their toxicity.
One of the brain's own ways of healing or processing events appears to be Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep. EMDR may be invoking a response similar to that which occurs in REM sleep. If the function of eye movement within REM sleep is to process information, then EMDR is able to take this process to completion.
This seems especially true for persons with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). One of the major difficulties experienced by those suffering from PTSD is REM sleep disruption. Someone with PTSD will wake up in the middle of a nightmare. Normal REM sleep is interrupted and their brain is unable to fully process the event. EMDR is used to help process the traumatic episode to the point where the episode becomes integrated with healthy adaptive mechanisms.
Many therapeutic interventions cause reprocessing of information. EMDR stands out in that it seems to accelerate the therapeutic process. To date, more research has been done on EMDR than on any other single technique and the outcomes have been positive.
Because EMDR stimulates a memory process that recalls not just events, but the feelings that accompany those events, it is critical that the clinician be capable of guiding the client through this process safely. For this reason, Dr. Shapiro only offers EMDR training to licensed mental health practitioners.
Ms. Baggett can be contacted through her website, www.joanbaggett.com or by telephone at (503) 417-8092 in Portland or in Vancouver at (360)690-1180. Her e-mail address is: joan@joanbaggett.com.
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